Creates an order record in order_management
Name | Type | Required | Example |
user_id | Integer | Y | 1001 The user id in system |
products | json | Y | [{"qty":3,"price":0,"title":"test0","stock_item_id":0,"product_code":"asdfs0"},{"qty":2,"price":2,"title":"test1","stock_item_id":1,"product_code":"asdfs1"}] The products associated array |
total | float | Y | 10.00 The order total |
shipping | float | Y | 10.00 The order shipping cost |
tax | float | Y | 10.00 The order tax |
external_id | mixed | N | 1001 Another order id |
admin_comments | string | N | Lorem Ispn The details provided by admin |
payment_status | string | N | Lorem Ispn The payment status. Needs to be one of these "AUTH, AUTH CAPTURE, CAPTURE, OVERRIDE, VOID, REFUND, REFUND PARTIAL, ERROR, DECLINED, PENDING, PROCESSING"" |
date_added | timestamp | N | 2017-02-14 13:59:00 Set the timestamp for when the order was created. Default timestamp is the timestamp of the request |
merchant_id | Integer | N | 10 Set order merchant id. Mechant must exist. |
billing_addr | json | N | {"first_name":"test","last_name":"test","company":"","address_line_1":"1 fake street","address_line_2":"","city":"tampa","region":"FL","country":"US","postal_code":"33771","email":"","phone":"1234567890"} The billing address |
shipping_addr | json | N | {"first_name":"test","last_name":"test","company":"","address_line_1":"1 fake street","address_line_2":"","city":"tampa","region":"FL","country":"US","postal_code":"33771","email":"","phone":"1234567890"} The shipping address |
Name | Type | Example |
status | Integer | 0 Success |
status | Integer | 1 Fail |
status_message | JSON |